Les Ailes du Desir Foundation Inc.

Organization Description
Our mission is to provide members of Miami’s diverse communities, both children and adults, with the personal and artistic benefits that result from education and training in Circus Arts. The main goal is to articulate structured and progressive training courses for the under 18-year-old who wishes to pursue a professional career in Performing Arts. The programs also serve children with different learning or physical abilities by providing opportunities to participate in youth Circus Arts. Through this medium, we seek to create community benefits and positive social change by using art education as a driving force.

Nonprofit Status

Age Ranges
Kids from 5 years old to adults 40 years old

Volunteer Space

June 2nd

Sunday Hours
2 PM- 9 PM

Job Title
Help for our Circus Show

Job Description
We need 1 person for each of these 4 positions: Master of Ceremony, Sound, Lights and Photography. It can be for full day from 2pm to 9 pm. Or from 2 pm to 5 pm and from 6 pm to 9 pm.


Sound, Light, Master of Ceremonies and Photography.


Dress Code

Any Further Specifications
We need 1 person for each of these 4 positions: Master of Ceremony, Sound, Lights and Photography. It can be for full day from 2pm to 9 pm. Or from 2 pm to 5 pm and from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Volunteering with Les Ailes du Desir Foundation Inc.

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