Unaffiliated committee members played an important role in the IRB. They bring fresh insight and perspective to board decisions about how best to protect research participants. The community member has the particular responsibility of bringing the perspective of the volunteer research participant to the review of protocols. Community members do not have a current affiliation with LCH and must not have had one for the past two years. They must also not have an immediate family member (spouse or child) affiliated with the institution. You will review multiple protocols, bring in insight as a community member, and confirm participants’ safety in all human research done at LCH. The IRB member is charged with the review of proposed research protocols in order to ensure that the rights of human subjects are protected and the risk of harm to the subjects is minimized. Members must review study materials in advance to prepare for the meeting discussions. Hours: Total of FIVE meetings throughout the year (march 2022-march 2023). Each meeting will be equivalent to 10 community volunteer hours (Total- 50 Volunteer hours) Incentives: 1. Community/Volunteer Service hours (Total: 50-100 hours) 2. Letter of recommendation from the Vice-president of research department 3. Completion Certificate and acknowledgement from the Vice President of research department. 4. Gift cards to volunteers’ favorite restaurants or stores 5. Free research training course ((Human Subject Research (HRS); Health Information Privacy and Security Course (HIPS)) |